Areej Le Dore Aquilaria Blossom

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Moderatorzy: Anette28, Moderatorzy

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Posty: 51
Rejestracja: 09 lut 2024, 14:28
Choroba: w trakcie diagnozy
województwo: kujawsko-pomorskie

Areej Le Dore Aquilaria Blossom

Post autor: hosniali » 06 mar 2024, 19:54

Areej Le Dore Aquilaria Blossom
Modern, resinous, fresh, floral and delicious oud fragrance crafted by two of the most known oud distillers of recent times.
Areej Le Doré represents an aroma and aura that is golden, highly pleasant, intense and beautiful; an extraordinary, well-balanced melding of traditions from around the world. It combines the meaningful depth, aggressive intensity and simplicity of Russian culture, the mystery and luxurious character of Arabian perfumery and the delicate elegance, whispering charm and romantic beauty of French fragrances.


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